Foundation Portfolio: Using the micro-elements of mise-en-scène, cinematography, sound and camera angles to create a film opening in a genre of your choice.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Research : Fonts

Font size and colour is very important for attracting a target audience and identifying the film's genre. It must be logical and flow within the shots well, for example, all titles should be the same size, colour and font unless it's changed for a specific impact upon the audience.
I researched the opening title sequences to famous horror films on, where I found the storyboard to the famous horror film, The Shining (shown below):

We see that this title sequence conforms to the ideas stated above, all the text is in a light blue, of a similar font and size. This gives an overall apperance of neatness to the shots and also has significance to the film itself; light blue is a cold colour and in the end of the film the lead male eventually dies in the snow. This has given me the idea of possibly doing our title in a blue / clearish blue colour to connote water (matching in with her vision).
We could also potenitally have the title dripping from the top or to that something to that effect, although this may be slight overkill.  

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